Thursday 5 August 2010

My 1st Week At Hello Magazine

So I haven't had much time to post of late. This week I began an internship at Hello magazine, I'm having an amazing time interning and I'm enjoying myself so much that I don't want to leave! I am working in the Advertising and Commerical department and so far have been assisting the sales, advertising, production, marketing and subscription teams with their daily activties. 

It's great to work at a magazine where I actually can use the skills I've been taught on my course. One task I was asked to do was a competitor analysis which means having to flick through all the pages of every Women's Celebrity, Lifestyle & Fashion magazines. This is a great job for me as I've previously dreamt of a job where I can just literally Women's Lifestyle & Fashion magazine all day, it's almost a dream come true! I have constantly been kept busy with jobs, as Hello is a weekly magazine it is faster paced compared to other monthly magazines suiting me. 

The Hello magazine offices vaguely resembel shows that have been made about this industry includingWear's Prada, Ugly Betty etc compared to other magazines I've worked at, however the key difference is that there is no animosity and everyone is genuinely friendly. Since working at Hello magazine it has helped me to decide that I would prefer to work in the commercial side of magazine publishing as opposed to editorial.

The publisher of Hello has her own P.A and any job that provides that is surely a job worth doing! The perks of this internships is that they pay expenses, the hours are only 10-5 with an hour lunch break, you also get free copies of magazines (last weeks) and the offices are in the beautifle location of the South bank.  the Devil

Other key points of Hello magazine are that around their offices they have so many stunning pictures of celebrities from their magazine mounted on the wall exclusive first pictures of Christina Aguilera & son and also the cover picture above. The last thing, they all seem to socialise quite a lot :) and someone brought in a huge amount of cakes the other day for everyone in the office which is always good! I'll say it once more, I really don't want to leave!

P.S I am also half way through writing that blog post about how to get an intership in Magazine Publishing

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